Department of Sociology, CUNY Queens College, New York, NY

National Cartoonists Awards in Jersey City

The National Cartoonist Society's annual awards in Jersey City, September 6 - 8.

On September 6 – 8, 2023, the National Cartoonists Society will be presenting its annual awards at the Hyatt Regency in Jersey City. If you are a cartoonist fan around metro NYC, you might catch a glimpse of your favorite artists around Jersey City that weekend.

I do not think of myself as strongly plugged into the world of cartooning, but a look at past winners is a reminder that I consume a good amount of their content without really acknowledging it. There can be no doubt that this profession moves the culture. Though the world of cartooning is not my main area of expertise, I can say with confidence that both Gary Larson’s and Matt Groening’s legacies are canonical in Canadian Gen X culture. Check out past winners of the Reuben Award, which is for the cartoonist of the year.

Screen cap of National Cartoonist Society's showcase of Reuben Awards winners.

The National Cartoonists Society is a professional organization serving America’s cartoonists. It was formed in New York in 1946, and its first president was Rube Goldberg. (The person to whom the term “Rube Goldberg machine” refers. An example of his work is depicted here: “Self-Operating Napkin”)

Their membership directory is totally worth a look for the very casual cartooning fan (like me). I spent a good chunk of time clicking through to learn about new artists.

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