The syllabus for this spring’s DATA 712 can be downloaded here.
Click here to see the DATA 712 Class page.
Overview. DATA 712 surveys a range of advanced analytical methods that students might use in the field. It introduces students to a range of methods to extract specialized information from often complex data sets, and walks them through basic applications in R. By the end of the course, students should have a sense of the wider range of niche advanced analytical tools that may be of use in a range of applied situations. The class will introduce students to a range of topics, like advanced wrangling, data reduction, regression analysis, classification, missing data handling, complex survey analysis, dynamic visualization, machine learning, and Bayesian analysis. Although it would take extended study and practice to become highly proficient in any of these subfields, this survey course is useful for imparting a range of directions that one’s analysis or analytical career can pursue after their Master’s study.
Schedule. Class will meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 8PM in PH 351.