An introduction to the concepts of fame and celebrity. This is an excerpt from a presentation by Professor Joseph Cohen at the City University of New York, Queens College at a joint presentation between Queens College’s Sociology Workshop and the Queens Podcast Lab’s Learning Series.
so let’s start off with some basic
first what’s fame who are celebrities
now if you look at the etymology of
these words you find that they’re rooted
in 13th century 14th century latin terms
denoting reputation or public opinion
and that meaning is carried over into
the literature on the topic if you read
up on fame it’s used in general to
denote a person who is known by
strangers or fame itself is renowned by
strangers it happens when people who you
don’t know
they recognize you
they know they have information of you
they might have feelings or opinions of
you they’re relating to you
as a person
uh even though they don’t know you
personally and when one person knows
many people like that they have fame and
a person who possesses fame is celebrity
uh fame can occur on different levels
there are people who are very very
famous you know like tom hanks or the
president of the united states but fame
can go down to local levels where for
example people in a small town know the
local weatherman or even people in new
york city know who the weatherman is on
new york one
and it even happens for example a
microcosm of that happens on college
where a lot of students might know a
large lecture professor right and it’s a
situation where there’s that asymmetry
one per uh many people know one person
one person is known to many people
now on the surface this might strike you
as obvious or an uninformative
definition but conceptualizing it of
this way has a lot of benefits
one is
uh it allows you to recognize fame that
doesn’t resonate with you personally
because one of the problems in studying
fame is that fame is our sense of fame
is highly personalized
uh and as researchers we need objective
standards um
there is a
tendency or you know i’ll get to it let
me move forward and i’ll get to it
one way to probe what’s meant by a
concept is to look at how researchers
measure it and
the way celebrity has been measured
uh in in in has evolved over recent
decades but there’s still a common core
common meaning that’s being captured now
before the internet
usually uh
people used uh sales data
as a proxy for fame so for example if
will smith were to star in a movie
they’d see what
will smith whether a will smith movie
drew a lot
and if will smith’s movies draw a lot
they infer that he’s a star
now that happened with smaller and
medium-sized media enterprises in
particular because sales data they had
to collect it for accounting purposes
back in the day
a lot of the more detailed knowledge
that big enterprises had was developed
using social scientific research methods
just like the kind we teach here at
queen’s college and in fact
a lot of media research has its roots in
sociology uh through work especially by
paul azersfeld
is well known in that era and they did
what we do they ran focus groups they
ran surveys
and they would uh find ways to quantify
celebrity and here’s an example of that
on the screen this is called the q score
is still being put out
and what it is is it’s made by running
surveys and asking panels of respondents
to rate whether or not they recognize
a celebrity and how they feel about
celebrities and this is q scores from
2017 it’s for
national morning tv anchors
so as you see here
uh recognizability
like we said a part of celebrities just
being known to their people
and you could see there are our morning
announcers like kathie lee gifford or al
you know george stephanopoulos who are
very widely known and then there’s uh
affect like a positive q score this is
how much people like the celebrity so
people like kathy lee gifford might be
well liked or widely known but not well
whereas people might not know robert
well robin roberts is well known but
people who know sam champion or josh
elliot seem to like him
with the internet
our ability to measure fame has grown uh
considerably were we were able to move
from self reports to behavioral data
rather than asking people who they liked
asking people if they paid attention to
uh celebrity we could just see who they
surfed for we could see you know who
they followed on facebook you know where
they clicked uh
and so
what’s happened is it we’ve built a much
more enriched capacity for quantifying
fame and there’s a lot of efforts going
on to to find ways to
put better numbers on celebrities and
it’s also created a lot of uh knowledge
in the celebrity space they know that
and now there’s a lot there’s a lot of
efforts to gain that system either by
purchasing followers hiring algorithms
make it look like more people share your
stories or click on your links and
things like that now even though the
methods have changed they’re still the
same basic insight that they’re getting
how much how widely someone is known
what do people know of them and how do
people feel about them
so times have changed the methods we use
to measure it have changed but it has a
timeless core
no renowned to strangers and the
feelings associated with it