in this video I’ll show you how to
produce a codebook in Stata data allows
users to see an automatically generated
code book
be careful this is not a substitute for
producing a real codebook in a primary
data set it can be thought of more like
a handy function that you can use to get
information on data that has already
been coded in this data to create these
code books we use the command codebook
Codebook Output
this is an example of what status
codebook output looks like here it gives
you the name of the variable the label
of the variable describing its contents
will be presented here in this part of
the codebook we get information on its
data type its range and the number of
unique values summary statistics of the
variable are presented here and this
part of the codebook gives us
information on how many observations are
present or missing this is the syntax
Codebook Syntax
for creating a codebook the command is
codebook space the name of the variable
comma and oh four notes in this example
I’m asking Stata to produce a codebook
for the variable net users if I put
nothing Stata will list codebook entries
for all variables in the dataset by
adding the option no I asked Stata to
list notes that are in the dataset let’s
review to look at an automatically
generated code book in Stata we use the
syntax codebook space the variable name
comma in Oh for more information type
help code book in the state of command