in this video I’ll show you how to
create new variables in Stata you create
new variables in Stata using the gen
command gen is short for generate the
syntax for generating new variables is
gen space the name of the new variable
equals and an expression the expression
defines the new variable expressions can
take many values it can be a numerical
constant so for example if you type in
gen year equals 2000 for all of your
observations we’ll have the variable
year with a value of 2014 expressions
can also be variables for example Gen
age equals age years we’ll create a new
variable called age that will have
exactly the same value as the variable
age years you can also do calculations
for example Gen test average equals
parentheses test 1 + test 2 + test 3
close parentheses divided by 3 will give
us the average across the 3 tests that
are scored in those 3 variables let’s
see what it’s like to generate variables
in a state a session in this example
I’ll create a variable that gives
respondents birth here imagine the
survey was taken in 2010 then their
birth year is 2010 – their current age I
type Gen birth year equals 2010 – age
the variable birth here will give their
years of birth let’s review you can
create new variables in Stata by using
the gen command the syntax is gen space
the name of the new variable you want to
create equals and an expression for more
help type in help gen in this data
command window