Join the Queens Podcast Lab‘s Learning Seminar for a discussion with Queens College Art faculty Danne Woo, a professional graphic designer, interaction designer, and developer. In this meeting, Professor Woo will introduce us to the world of user experience design in web development. UX is an important part of web and app development, and a field with great promise to those with skills in visual design.
all right it looks like we are
live hello everybody welcome to the queen’s
podcast learning sir sorry welcome to the queen’s podcast lab learning series uh the spring 2022
season i’m joseph cohen i’m a professor in the sociology department at queen’s college and my research specialty is
content creation entrepreneurship and how people make businesses or non-profits that create content for the
internet and i’m co-director of the queen’s podcast lab here at queen’s college
and today i’m joined by my colleague danny wu an art professor here at
queen’s college welcome danny thank you it’s good to be here so first of all you have a very
interesting name your parents named you after a famous designer is that yes yes
what’s the back story with that yeah so uh both my parents are graphic designers um my my dad had a design
agency in san diego for about 40 years before retiring and my mom was a design professor at san
diego state for probably about like 35 40 years um so yeah design is just kind of part
of my blood um and we have a family friend richard daney
who had a design agency in new york in the 80s um pretty well-known it’s called danny and
blackburn um and their his claim to fame which is a pretty big
claim to fame is uh he designed the nasa logo and all the branding around it uh not the current one but the worm one
that you see on like all the street wear these days um so yeah he’s uh just family friends they
liked his name and they just gave it to me when i was born so i’m grateful for it i think he’s
a great guy and uh it is a unique name so i do have to repeat it multiple times uh when i meet
someone but it doesn’t bother me nah that’s so it’s the so visual design is the family
business yeah yeah yeah so i really had no no other option
when i was born uh into this uh design family so yeah
growing up i i was the youngest to be inducted into the aiga um which is
um american institute for graphic arts um and went to i think i was like eight
or nine when i was inducted as a member wow so i went to all these design
lectures and events uh met like all these amazing designers they’re just like you know people to me but they’re
like world-renowned designers growing up um yeah so it has just always been a part
of my family a part of my upbring got my first paying design job when i
was 10 years old i got 50 bucks to pay to design a
a typeface for a software company called a splash media which is like
flash media is now a dopey anime okay so you got our legitimate vita line
at 10 years old yeah yeah i’m sure that that typeface is you know
floating around somewhere on a floppy disk in like my parents garage or something but it was my first paying job
as a designer at 10 years old that’s incredible well so so as i said
danny is a professor in the art department here at queen’s college and one of his expertises one of his areas
of expertise is user experience or ux design and i i
you just visual design in general is one of those things where you don’t you don’t think about it even if you’re
working on a non-visual medium like podcasting you just assume you’re never going to come into contact with design
but it turns out when you run one of these things design choices face you at every turn and you realize what you
don’t know like even stealing design is hard when you when you don’t
know what you’re doing right because you don’t even know what to steal yeah so i you know and as somebody who you know
i i have no aesthetic ability you know my wardrobe is entirely costco i just don’t know about that
world so i was really happy that danny came on to you know explain this whole
world and so that’s what we’re talking about today the world of user experience
or ux design so we’ll get an introduction on the topic and if it’s something that you’re interested in and
you want to learn more about well you know talk to danny or go visit queen’s college’s art department and see what
they got going on so let’s get started can you start us off what is user
experience so um so user experience uh i think people
can define it different ways but to me user experience is really understanding how
an individual is using a designed product whether that’s a
website or an app or a physical handheld product
it’s really doing the due diligence initially to understand who the audience is
the demographic of the people that are coming to your website or using your app um
understanding the market that you’re getting into your competitors doing like competitive audit and seeing like what their sites
look like how yours can stand out from the from the rest and just asking the right questions
really to better understand the people that are coming to your website to your app
using your products um so those questions have to be asked initially before you do any sort of
design any sort of visual design to really understand hey who are you building this for who
are you designing it for b is this really something that isn’t necessary is this already out there
has it already been created um and uh really
just getting those answers uh to those questions before you put a pen to paper and start
like figuring out like color systems and typography and layout um because you if you don’t know who
you’re designing for or like what you’re designing then you’re just kind of
aimlessly putting colors and and letters and content on a website or app
um without any sort of like base to start from yeah it sounds like how i’ve been doing it
more or less yeah you know it’s interesting we were talking about it uh before we met today
and i always imagined you artistic types to you know be staring at a cloud looking for divine inspiration you know
what it strikes you you just throw some digital paint at a digital palette but there’s a lot more science that goes
into it there’s a lot more research and development for these projects than i
realized yeah yeah it’s um i mean as a user research a user
experience researcher designer um you you’re kind of the first line of defense uh to really understand like who
you’re building this for and what they’re what they’re gonna how they’re gonna interact with it um
but but yeah it it’s it’s anything that any you know designer
worth a grain of salt is putting together is based off of um questions that that were asked before
beforehand and research that was done beforehand um like
if you’re designing a website for like a a social justice non-profit or something
it would be completely different than designing something for like coca-cola or like a corporation like that
um and the audience would be completely different and the mood behind what you’re designing would be
completely different so you have to take all that into account um when you actually start
thinking of colors and and thinking of layout and typography and and visual imagery and stuff like that
i want to delve into the how-to in a moment but before we do i just maybe wanted you to comment on the importance
of design because it’s something that i did not appreciate before i got into content creation like
design goes a long way into crafting the overall user experience and the identity
of an outlet it does and even if you’re a podcaster even if you’re not working in a visual medium
somehow i feel like design aspects still shape the overall
character of the franchise and i was hoping you could start us off by just talking about why ux is important or why
design in general is important even if you’re not selling an aesthetic product
yeah so it really comes down to at least like visual design for a website or app um
telling telling a story uh so you’re telling the visual story of the product
uh or um tool that you’re you’re putting together um it’s
as humans it’s a lot easier for us to look at a visual and get um some sort of
emotion from the visual um much more quickly than you know reading text and
kind of reading a description of what the um the company or or website or topic’s all
about um we’re just born visual people so uh it’s a lot
easier and quicker for us to get something out of something that’s uh
more visually appealing uh than something basic basically we learn how
to read we learn mathematics so that’s not a born um
uh an instinct that was born with us um so yeah so it’s really important for
us to tell the story in a visual format and visual way um to represent that brand represent that company represent
that podcast um based off of uh the the theme or the topics that that um
they’re covering um so yeah so i think the visual component is
uh just as important as the contextual components um on any website
um i’m a little biased so i i think it’s probably a little bit more important um but but yeah it’s definitely
something that you uh you really have to put some thought into
um when putting something out there that’s going to be seen by even one person 10 people 20 people 100
100 000 people um so yeah the visual side of uh whatever you’re putting out there is
super important when telling telling your story so walk us through the steps of a ux job
as a professional when you get a ux job what do you do to uh you know make sure that your
design is as good as it can be yeah so i i could i could talk about uh
some of my own experiences so i’m also a founder so i created a company called data visual
which is a data visual design software company which is basically just a website it’s a web app
and it’s essentially a mashup between like adobe
illustrator meets excel to create like beautiful visualizations um so when i was putting this together uh
first i just i i went out there and talked to people um talked to people in the industry you
talked to people that build charts and graphs talk to people that use illustrator talk to people that use
excel and hear them out and hear where some of the existing platforms like are
working already um and where there could be improvements um
so the first thing to do is really just ask questions meet people that are kind of
in the in the area um that you’re focusing on get feedback from them
and then based off of that feedback you know that you should design or build
the website in this way add these different features add these different tools
so that that’s the the first stage just asking questions understanding the audience yeah i have a question about
that stage how do you ask questions to get information on people’s like
aesthetic preferences you know what i mean like how do you talk to somebody to know if you got to put like a a racing
stripe down the middle of the website or something like that yeah so
or when you’re asking these questions you’re not really asking about like do you like red or orange yeah
that’s not i’m imagining it yeah you’re not getting into the details of like the visual elements and the the style
you’re um you’re really trying to understand uh like high level
um what this world’s all about and who these people are in it um so one good thing to do is to um put
together a user archetype uh a user archetype is basically saying um making up a um
a person that kind of fits a number of different
demographics that are specifically focused on people who are going to your site or app so i could be like uh uh
this is john smith he’s 25 years old he’s a college graduate
really interested in skateboarding really loves listening to podcasts um so you’re building this this user
archetype to understand um that kind of encompasses the majority of the demographic that um
you’re designing this for and then you can kind of be a little bit more specific about um you know john’s
like really into uh you know um skateboarding so maybe it should be like edgy and
use like brighter colors or like gritty patterns stuff stuff like that um
or uh if john is really interested in um
i don’t know murder mysteries or something then right it should be like uh dark colors with
like splashes of red or um something like that so as a designer
you’re taking this information taking what you’re learning from these people
and then that’s when you get to get creative with it and kind of you know like you were saying like look up in the sky look at
um the uh passing by get inspired by um
the different things that you see um but it’s all it’s all based off of
the research that you’re doing as a user experience design researcher and the answers that you’re getting to those
questions so i think i get it what you’re probing for at the beginning is you’re sort of trying to get the
zeitgeist of the audience or of of the consumer group or of the client or
whatever you’re just trying to get a sense of who their character is and then you design to the character so
if your podcast is like a badass podcast then you’d i don’t put like a motorcycle and a
knife or so i don’t know you know like something something good like that though right yeah all right yeah you’re
designing for an audience a specific audience and that’s when you get to determine like
um that’s when as a designer as a visual designer you can say that different colors
enact different moods like black is more serious grey is more sophisticated
red is like represents love and more emotions like that so that’s when
you start to play around with the visual elements and the visual tools as a designer
to design for that specific audience based off of the the information that you’ve been researching
do you systematically study like the like the symbols i guess like the symbolism to what would be symbolic to
one audience like the symbolism that they see in an object or color might be different from audience to audience do
you sort of develop like an expertise in a particular demographic and you just
get an aesthetic sense of what they like and that’s your wheelhouse or are there some general principles like young
people like yellow and you know how does that work yeah but
when it comes to color it’s very subjective so it’s hard to specifically say like this color really represents
this demographic um historically there’s been some research on like
colors represent different things and different um cultures um so like uh in uh western culture
black is represented by like death but then um you know more asian cultures
or native american cultures white is represented by death so yeah so you have to know your audience you have to know the
demographic uh and you have to know like who you’re designing for um but yeah that
that can change uh tastes can change over time too cultures can change especially in this you know connected
world we live in today um so uh understanding the demographic um
based off of that you can like uh do mood boards to to determine like
um like do they read like um vanity fair
vanity fair versus do they read like uh i don’t know uh trans world media skateboarding or
something like that right and then you can like do clippings and look at some of these other
um other interests of theirs and see what
what colors are popping out when you like do a complete complete complete mood board what imagery is popping out
um uh so that’s that’s kind of like a mix between user experience and like a user
interface designer um there’s definitely some overlap there but yeah doing mood
boards around the demographic is really helpful to see like what they’re interested in what they’re seeing on the on a regular basis and based off of that
you can determine um like visual palette and uh visual
look and feel nice and then what’s the next step after that so you get a sense of the audience
and you you know get some mood boards going and you get some basic concepts and what yeah so um
i i follow the four d’s which is discovery define design and
develop when i design really anything so discovery is really the the initial
user experience research to understand just the demographic that basically what we were just talking about
define is um so at least in the sense of like building a website or app define is taking that
information that you’ve um received through that research uh and coming up with like a site map
wireframes for for the website that you’re gonna build [Music] um and which is basically just like
boxes for content boxes for a button here a simple box for imagery here and
like squiggly lines for text that’s that’s basically a basic wireframe
um and based off of that the the user experience design continues kind of throughout this entire process
based off of the wireframes and site maps you can take that back to the user have them like look at what you put
together maybe do some like a b testing um maybe cde testing and you have like five
different versions of the home page and see um what they’re drawn to uh like if
there’s a big uh button um for a call to action on the website but maybe it’s like too low too
far down and they don’t see it initially maybe you have to move it up um so during the define stage and like
the site map and wire framing stage you can ask more specific questions to the user
um on the layout of the the website or app
that you’re building um and based on that you can make adjustments and modifications
the um stage after develop define is a design which is all the the visual elements
um so after like talking to the user understanding like what they do different um things that
they use on a regular basis you can start coming up with a visual look and feel start putting together um like a color
palette uh start figuring out if you want to use like a sans serif typeface or sarah typeface um
and you’re basically kind of skinning the wireframes with the colors and
the imagery and typography that you have determined is best for for this
this audience and then again it’s always good to go back to the um back to the potential user get feedback
on that iterate on it and improve it and then the last stage is the develop stage um so this for a website
an app it’s pretty obvious that’s that’s the programming stage um so once the design is complete um
the uh the developer can actually you know build this out with html css
javascript or whatever um framework they’re using to build it um and then again it’s always good to go
back to the user get feedback on it like if at this point since you’re
dealing with a digital online environment there’s a more interactivity um so there’s hover states drop down
menus uh animation that you can get feedback on from from the
user uh and then at that point uh if it’s good to go you’re ready to launch
and again this the user experience researcher the job continues because
uh especially with websites and digital environments there’s lots of analytics that you can collect
and based off of those analytics you can really determine um if someone’s like not clicking on a
button that you want them to click on maybe it’s just in the wrong position um so the user researcher
user experience researcher can do uh more like data science-y stuff too
and looking at these these numbers looking at the analytics looking at uh how people are actually and in large
numbers actually interacting with this website or app or whatever you’re putting together um and then
the great thing about the internet is that nothing is ever forever on there so you always make changes
um so that’s why user experience researcher user experience designer is
important because it spans the entire spectrum from start to finish beyond
to make improvements make adjustments um based off of um the data the
information the the questions and answers that we’re getting from the user um so yeah so it’s
a really important job that spans the entire spectrum so so you’re saying
with a high-end website all the little details are are are not just conscientiously placed but there’s even
a scientific process where like the positioning of a banner or the positioning of a button
they’ll be they’ll they’ll run like research to make sure that that’s the best place to put the button oh yeah
yeah yeah um and that that starts really at the wireframing stage
looking at uh and doing um focus groups essentially with just
printed versions of the wireframes with different locations of where these buttons could potentially be especially
for like if it’s a non-profit or something um the donate button the um membership
button are like hugely important for for a organization like that so
the the ultimate goal um is to get people to donate send money or join the
cause um so those buttons have to be obvious prevalent like first thing you
see and if it’s not then you’re losing probably hundreds of thousands of dollars so
the placement of these elements really matter and could cost a company
or organization lots of money if if it’s in the wrong location people aren’t seeing it because
like below the fold and you have to scroll down to get to it um so a lot of consideration is put into
uh the hierarchy of some of these elements on on a website or app um and how
obvious they are for for the user to and easy for the user to engage with it
so yeah it’s hugely important are there any websites that you love like i remember i was friends with a
product designer who is like oh everybody talks about apple like the first thing people talk about in product
design is apple apple apple yeah in your spaces who’s the apple who’s the design
who are the companies whose design everybody talks about um
i mean apple’s the apple so right i mean that alone is a good example um
their web experience is really really solid um is it worth calling up their their
site just to look at it while we talk about it or yeah if you want to that’s fine all right yeah let’s do it let’s just call it just for fun okay all right
so here’s the apple site that i got going so go ahead tell us like what not
about this site i’m not gonna put you on the spot for this but like tell us about apple in general like what you know yeah
so apple’s uh site is i mean and apple in general
their design philosophy is very clean straightforward there’s not a lot to distract you from you know the
the main content or what they want the user to focus on
um it’s really easy to navigate you know the the navigation is at the top and then on the home page are the products
and that’s what they want you to focus on um the iphone is obviously their best
seller and probably making the most money so that’s why they put it at the top they want you to continue to buy
that and it’s something that you buy you know every couple years and upgrade
um versus like a a laptop or something which maybe you upgrade every like five six seven years
um so yeah so i think they’re they’re they’re very smart and as it’s not um
you know uh it’s really well thought out when it comes to what they put on their site the
hierarchy of the sites um how you interact with it the flow of going from
one page to the next um everything is considered um when it comes to like an apple or something like
on that level uh they have like massive teams of user experience designers and researchers you know data
scientists looking at the analytics on a regular basis so um yeah everything is considered and
it pays off for them strategically placed they just say oh they’re always shoving that iphone 13 in your face like
always every chance they get i feel like i need to upgrade like weekly whenever i go to the website yeah right mine is so
old already and i got it like a month ago well it’s working on my kids i’ll tell you that
so let’s let’s let’s take a look at maybe some uh less artful design some amateur work as it were uh we’ll take a
look at mine which like i didn’t really come up with anything i just stole different things i guess inspired would
be the more legally defensible description of uh but like
while you’re here maybe i’ll hit you up for some free criticism uh here’s the queen’s podcast
uh website yeah tell us tell us what do we what are we doing here did i steal from the right
people uh what should i be changing so i mean i i guess um
uh it’s it’s a good idea to ask like the right questions like who’s your audience
um what are some of the other uh websites for podcasts that are kind of
similar to yours what kind of stuff are they doing so you can stand out from the crowd um i mean i i think it visually it looks
um it looks pretty good uh there’s definitely room for improvement um no offense not taking
that oh i know i’m not talented it’s not a sense of not a point of sense
but uh i mean i i think for for your audience um which is probably going to be more academics i’m guessing
um i i don’t know uh correct me if i’m wrong but that’s that’s my yeah we’re not known for our
style okay we’re not like a high style crowd yeah but i i i think it’s i think it looks
good um i like i i helped i consult with an organization called color change
it’s a social justice organization and they have a podcast too um but you know their focus is on um
helping black people in america succeed essentially uh and the name of the podcast is tell black stories
so i help them with their website for that podcast um and because of the topic you know it’s it’s
it’s uh uses a lot of darker colors um but because it’s a hopeful podcast we we
have red and splashes of cyan um so it was specifically designed for
for the audience so that’s really that’s really the important thing is that you’re designing something building something for your
specific audience um oh wow can i play can i show this because this is very impressive all
right here we go here wait first we’ll do a comparison all right here’s my work
this is just i stole the new york times just a blank thing there’s not much design here’s here’s my work the queen’s
and now take a look take a look at what danny does holy jeez look at this holy
geez so yeah it’s like you know big beautiful image or video at the top um like bold
text uh the like background is like dark um but there’s splashes of color like the
cyan and the the orange um this are really like hopeful colors um
so yeah wow even subtle things like how as you scroll for the first time the
text just bounced just lifts ever so gently yeah that’s something called parallax
scrolling which is really kind of fun fun to play with um so yeah with websites you can do all sorts of like
animations and like on scroll you can animate things in
so and that that also you know draws the eye draws attention to that specific
area um so that’s another another way that you can get people
engaged with a specific element on the website is like having it pop or like jump or animate or something like
that wow that’s very impressive okay so definitely you know you you have to
there’s a it’s like a dunning-kruger thing right you don’t know what you don’t know until you come into contact with someone
who does know you’re like wow i really don’t know much so let me ask you this like if someone is
interested in getting into design and maybe you know a career where they make
something like this where do you start what’s the what’s the path what’s the recommended sort of path
for you yeah so um so i think it depends like if you’re
interested in like just the core user experience um research aspect of it
then i i think it’s probably a good idea to take some classes in like psychology
and um classes on how to better understand people and interpret like what they tell
you um if you’re interested in uh like
actually designing like interaction design um path then you definitely need to go down the
more traditional like design um pathway so i’m taking classes and
um you know just basic design principles like color
theory and typography and layout design um and
like i teach web design one at queen’s college so if anyone’s interested in that that’s a good class for this um
which basically covers the entire spectrum of the 4ds the discovery defined the
design and develop so you kind of get a taste of everything software do you teach what software do
you teach in your intro class so for um
there’s a number of different things um but for like visual design historically we
we teach adobe photoshop to like create the visual designs of your website
um the more popular uh software that we’re going to start being
start using in the class classes figma or sketchup are two really popular ones
that are being used in the industry these days
and sigma and sketchup are really great for the user experience side so creating
wireframes too um yeah so those are the those are kind of the main ones
and then when we get into development too for that class is just html and css
which are like the the basic building blocks of designing and building a website um
there’s like some platforms that you can do like plug and play and drag and drop but i think it’s better that uh you have
an understanding of the uh the the programming aspect of it uh as well um so that’s why we don’t use
any of those platforms um but yeah so that’s essentially
the main tools that we use in that class um and uh my syllabus is online all my
lecture videos are online too so if you go to you can you can
view all that content wow what goes to show there so one last
question for students who go through like what types of career options are available to you
if you learn web or user experience design where do you where do students get yeah
um yeah so a lot of them go to agencies creative agencies um ad agencies uh and
they’re working on lots of different brands and have having lots of different clients
um some of them go to like tech companies like facebook and twitter and and basically work on their
platforms um some of them uh go to other companies other
corporations because everyone everyone has a digital presence these days um and they need
either uh like a consultancy to help them with it um but most of the time for
bigger companies like coca-cola um apple um they have an in-house team so you can go
there too so there’s there’s lots of different possibilities especially user experience researchers
that’s a really hot title these days um and
it’s becoming a very important much more important uh uh role
uh through this entire process so there’s there’s more opportunities than there were like a decade ago um for
someone who’s interested in that he’s really interested in like the research side of things understanding the user understanding the demographic
um and looking at like analytics and numbers um on on uh
how people are interacting with the site um so there’s lots of opportunities um
i think it’s a great time to be in the industry great time to be in the field so yeah
it’s it’s uh it’s definitely a good time so i’m happy to like answer any specific questions so if
anyone like wants to reach out to me directly you’re welcome to as well
all right danny wu is a professor in the art department at queen’s college and an
expert on user experience development or ux thank
you very much danny it was really great to meet you yeah i know i had fun thanks for having me appreciate it