Joseph Nathan Cohen

Department of Sociology, CUNY Queens College, New York, NY


This page profiles the career of Technical Writers (Standard Occupation Code: 27-3042). It is part of a series that profiles possible careers for students with passions and interests in content creation. 

Official Description

Write technical materials, such as equipment manuals, appendices, or operating and maintenance instructions. May assist in layout work.

Link to Content Creation

Technical writers explain the workings of technical operations and skill sets.  Many creative enterprises also focus on explaining technical subject matter to audiences.

Suitable Candidates

This career is suitable for people who have an ability to understand and explain technical subject matter to audiences, users, or learners.  If you like understanding and documenting the workings of new technologies, then you might be suited to this career.

Key Stats

Bright Outlook?  No

National Job (Thousands) In 2021: 5.4

Projected Ten-Year Growth In Jobs, 2021 – 2031: 4% – 7%

Median Income (US): $79,960

Top Markets: Tech Writing

Learn More

Much Of The Data From This Post Comes From The Bureau Of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Informational Network (Or O*Net). This Excellent Resource Helps People Make More Informed Study- And Career-Planning Decisions By Providing Useful Information About Jobs And Their Training Requirements. Click Here To Learn More About The Job Of Fine Artists.